I consult on the same topics I blog and speak about, broadly ‘Space As a Service’, AI and Innovation, I advise on how technology is redefining how we work, shop and live, and the opportunities and threats of a changing world. How do you maximise your upside whilst minimising your downside?
My clients are PropTechs, Developers, Landlords, Investors and Property Managers. Expanding on my presentations I spend a lot of time diving deep into the implications for their portfolio selection, valuation and business models. Sometimes we spend a few hours together, other times I dedicate several weeks to produce in depth analysis of specific topics. Mostly I work with clients on an ongoing basis.
Having spent many years working in both the real estate and tech sectors, I am a rarity in that I understand the drivers, incentives and motivations of both sectors. That tends to give my advice an extra dimension.
Topics I engage with:
#SpaceAsAService - I coined this term in 2014 and have ‘evangelised’ for it since then. In a world moving from Products to Services, and from Ownership to Access, where we are becoming used to everything being available on-demand, is it any wonder that we are demanding that real estate follows suit? And that has huge implications.
#PropTech - Having founded and excited several PropTech companies starting in 1995 I have deep experience in this sector. As such I talk exclusively to Boards and senior leaders across the technology and real estate industry about #PropTech; what matters, what does not, impacts and incentives and who to work with.
AI in Real Estate. A not much mentioned topic within real estate AI will probably be the most important technology of the next 10 years. It is going to reshape the entire business world, upend value chains, change the nature of the work we do, and destroy and create a vast number of jobs. In doing so it will fundamentally change the nature of demand for real estate.
Innovation: something much easier to say than do. Mostly we talk about it right until the moment someone else innovates away our profit margins, or even businesses. But there are clear steps you can take to catalyse innovation within your organisation. Even inspiration can come from process. No process = no innovation.
New Business Models. Our customers are changing, and so are our competitors. Free can be surprisingly valuable. Technology can upend value chains. Data, networks and ecosystems can transform efficiency, and effectiveness. The past is no longer much of a guide to the future. Understanding the new dynamic of markets is vital.
The Future of Property Management. Having written property management software for 10+ years, I am acutely aware of the issues facing even the best players in this sector. It is hard to break out of a low margin, cost cutting, undifferentiated marketplace. All property managers face the same dilemma. BUT, in a world where the operator of an asset is becoming more important, and in a way hitherto unknown, there are amazing opportunities opening up to go from ‘Zero to Hero’.
Exponential Humans: In a world of Exponential Technology we need to become Exponential Humans. When the machines are doing everything that is structured, repeatable or predictable, what is it that we humans will be doing? How do we ensure that we create a future where we use technology to augment ourselves, and avoid one where the machines rule over us. Are we heading towards a dystopia or a utopia?
Please do get in touch.