The Blog Archive: 2013 - 2023
Navigating the Human-Machine Future (online presentation)
Number 10: We Need a Bigger Pie - Expanding Opportunities in an AI-Driven World
Number 9: #SpaceasaService loves Generative AI: The Pro-gressive Company Nexus
Number 6: Outcomes as a Service - Beyond Software to Solutions
A blueprint for the future of rental living (‘podcast‘)
The AI Optimist's Vision: A Transformative Future for Real Estate?
10 ‘must do’s’ to thrive in the age of artificial intelligence
Three Ways to Incorporate Your Own Data When Working with Generative AI
Why Real Estate Needs a New Mindset to Succeed with Generative AI
The future of commercial real estate is highly predictable …..
Covid-19 & Real Estate - a conversation with Andrew Deverell-Smith
In Pursuit of Value - The changing drivers of Valuation (long form - 6900 words)
Flex-Space Operational Metrics: Measuring what matters, matters.
Real Estate as a Service: All Change, All Change: 5 10 Takeaways
Real Estate as a Service: All Change, All Change: 4 Invest wisely
Real Estate as a Service: All Change, All Change: 3 Landlords aren’t what they used to be…..
Real Estate as a Service: All Change, All Change: 2 Human + Machine; because technology is not enough
Real Estate as a Service: All Change, All Change: 1 The changing nature of demand
Incentives, #SpaceAsAService, and the coming Golden Age of Real Estate
Tweetstorm on OneMarket - Genius move or value chain disrupter? Both
Real Estate as a Service: Are flexible short term leases the new future? 16 Provocations!
Will Artificial Intelligence eliminate Real Estate jobs? Part 2...
Will Artificial Intelligence eliminate Real Estate jobs? Part 1...
In Commercial Real Estate? Forget Blockchain and Bitcoin, AI is where you should be focussing
In brief: How #PropTech will change in 2018 compared to 2017
The Real Estate Transformation Omelette: Five Essential Ingredients
In Conversation with: Six video chats about the future of Real Estate - VIDEO
How the Real Estate industry approaches technology - a tweetstorm.....
Podcast with Estates Gazette - PODCAST
Update on The Stoddart Review - VIDEO
Podcast No 2 with the 'Godfather of PropTech' Duke Long - PODCAST
Duke Long’s Updated: 2017 Top 100 Commercial Real Estate People You Must Follow On Twitter.
Podcast with the 'Godfather of PropTech' Duke Long - PODCAST
Estates Gazette: Tech Talk Radio - PODCAST
Brexit will turbo charge the technology industry and radically change real estate
Digital Strategy No 3: Thinking exponentially about what your customers want
Digital Strategy No 2: Rethink your customers - and your partners
What Planet Property can and needs to learn from Planet Tech
The impact of technology on real estate: A Panglossian future?
Real estate developers, investors and technology; staying competitive in a changing world
It's not about Disruption - it's much more important than that
Property people make one of two mistakes when it comes to tech
Commercial Property and NanoTech - A glimpse into the future, available today
Retail Property & the Internet: Only the Paranoid will survive
Commercial property: why is the most sociable of industries so anti-social?
Tech for Commercial Property - Megatrends No 3: The Internet of Things
Tech for Commercial Property - Megatrends No 2: The Cloud…. Free at last!
Tech for Commercial Property - Megatrend No 1: Mobile….and why you must bin the Blackberry
Essential mobile applications for business, property and life